Welcome to

Northwest North Carolina

sparta + West Jefferson


Atlas Community Studios has partnered with Blue Ridge Energy and a diverse group of local leaders to develop a placemaking action plan for communities, Sparta and West Jefferson, North Carolina. The purpose of this action plan is to assist Sparta and West Jefferson with implementing innovative placemaking strategies and catalytic projects to improve quality of life for current and future residents. 

Each town’s placemaking action plan focuses on three key priorities, including: 

  • Housing
  • Workforce Development
  • Building Revitalization

Note: Atlas developed and designed a Background Assessment for the region as a whole. In addition, there is a plan and accompanying website for each town. To read more, click the links in the menu at the top of the page.


Atlas Community Studios would like to thank the following individuals and organizations for their support and participation in the strategic planning process:

Town of Sparta Steering Committee
Bob Bamberg, Alleghany News
Zach Barricklow, Wilkes Community College
Wanda Beck, Wilkes Community College
Lisa Bottomley, Alleghany Chamber for Economic Development
Ricky Brown, Alleghany Chamber for Economic Development
Bryan Edwards, Alleghany Chamber for Economic Development
Rhesa Edwards, Entrepreneur
Ben Gatton, Sparta United Methodist Church
Dayna Guadagno, Resident
Mindy Hall, Realtor
Steve Hall, Educator
Xavier Iglesias, Entrepreneur
Mechelle Luffman, County Official
April Maines, Alleghany Health
Phoebe Murphy, Student
Yannia Nordelo, College Student
Caleb Osborne, College Student
Tonya Sheets, Entrepreneur
Scott Smith, Entrepreneur
Ryan Wilmoth, Town Manager
Town of West Jefferson Steering Committee
Judy Bare, Ashe County Farm Bureau
Chris Barr, Resident
Rusty Barr, West Jefferson Town Alderman
Alan Briggs, Resident
Graham Caddell, Resident
Rebecca Eldreth, Resident
Derek Green, Resident
Kyle Hall, Resident
Tom Hartman, Mayor
Rev. Michael Lea, First Baptist Church
Todd McNeill, County Commissioner
Dawson Miller, Resident
Madison Osborne, Resident
Brantley Price, Town Manager
Joni Ray, Ashe County Arts Council
Stephen Shoemaker, West Jefferson Town Alderman
Blue Ridge Energy - Project Sponsor
Crystal Spencer, Director of Marketing
Local Organizations
Alleghany Chamber for Economic Development
Alleghany Arts Council